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This will include a weekly entry of the ups and downs, and especially upcoming, and past events in the Oh so exciting life of Carol!

August 17, 2005
What have I been doing?!? I sure as heck haven't been working on the site, but I haven't been doing much else either. I'd like to say that I'm swamped with school work, but honestly, there's not reason to lie, I've already come out and said i'm a HUGE slacker. Besides, it took me over half an hour to try and log into this darn site to write this...sometimes i wonder if it's worth it...but me being me, I don't want to do my school work so why not slack and do this instead :P
Anyway, the reason I came on here was to share a strange thought i just had (an hour ago). My birthday is coming up, and now that I"m in Australia, I'll be celebrating it in the ' winter' as opposed to the 'summer'. But the weather is exactly the same! I've only spent one birthday below the 69th parallel (my 18th) since i turned 7. And now that I'm in the expected year long summer...i end up with the same weather..crap, and only least it's going to be sunny at home...better then here...overcast and raining..pooey! So that's my thought, I came all the way to the other side of the world, and my birthday hasn't changed a bit. The only real difference is that I finally get to celebrate with more then 2 friends..haha.
Seriously, other then that I haven't been up to too much. Gouchie visited..and eventually i'll get around to putting those pictures up. I really need to work on being a little more introverted and stay in my room and do some things on teh computer...but honestly, I love life way too much to sit in my room alone! But I make the sacrifice for those out there who actually go to my site and check it out.
Okay..this really hasn't been an update. So I'll leave once again, and hopefully I'll be back a little more frequent, although commonly promised.
June 29, 2005
Holy CRAP! I'm SO sorry!! I can't believe i've left this for so long. I've even updated the site more often then writing in here. Well..TOO much has happened. I've put up the pictures for Feb and March so far...and those can tell ya just a little of what's been going on. Basically, there's just TOO much to bother taking the time to write a special entry on you'll have to survive with a summary of all that has happened.
First, let me explain why i'm finally writing...I'm HALF way done School!!! WOOHOO!! So right now it's midsemester break, all my friends are off wondering around Australia and spending their money. I've decided that I"m going to use this time wisely! I'm going to spend it updating this website, so I no longer say that theres just TOO much to do and I don't have time. I know...a common story, but you never know..a person could change :P
Okay, so what has the last few months had me busy with? First, I got here, started school, Aaron came to visit, took us (Missa and I) out surfing and sight seeing. That was a GREAT weekend! Thanx Aaron! Shortly into March a bunch of us went to see penguins and koalas on Phillip Island. Then i headed off to a 9 day camp for students. A day after returning from there, i went to Tasmania with some awesome friends, Missa, Karl and Brittney (an american couple who we live with). It was a total blast! Look at the pictures, you'll only get a glimpse of how great it really was! Almost as fast as i got back, i was off again for a 2 week trip to the east coast of Australia, up the coast of Queensland. I went with a bunch of Canadian girls. It was a REALLY good trip. Alot of beaches!! You'll hear more about that in the next written update...
After that, I returned to school. Shelly and John came to visit for almost a week, and we did some touring around. Shelly brought me some Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider from Second Cup...a life saver that girl is! After they left (Shelly went to Join Missa in Queenland) I started my first 4 weeks of teaching. It was interesting to say the least. I'd put pics up of that, but I can't. What else...not too much.. just finished up classes, now i'm on a three week break where i've given myself a list of things i put off to do, the website being on of them. Hopefully once it's up to date, it won't be so scary to update :D
I'm planning a bunch of other trips at the I"m excited to talk about them in the future...
February 10, 2005
Good'ay Mate! Yuppers, that's right, i'm in Aussieland!!! The trip was crazy long, thank goodness i don't have to do it again for another 10 months, not sure if i could last through that again right now!
Anyway, things have been awesome! Found out a few interesting things already about the differences and similarities between here and home. I'll list them a little later. Right now i'm a little tired, and have a few other things on my agenda.
More updates lata!
February 3, 2005
It's been two months, but ALOT has happened in those months. First, Poopface returned home, and I spend some rockin weeks hangin out with her. We participated in a bunch of the community Christmas events, which rocked, i even won something in a raffle! To say the least, even though there was only 2/3s of the family there, the holidays were still awesome! Same good spirit running around the house filling it with good cheer!
Poopface and I started off the new year with volunteer work, and to make the night even more wholesome, i helped an old man find his house at the risk of freezing my own legs was darn cold! 
On the 15th, my parents and I headed for the south for a nice relaxing holiday!! ahha...not really, but they bought themselves a new Jetta, and we drove all over Saskatchewan and a bit of Alberta. Saw a bunch of relatives i hadn't seen in a long time, and spent some quality time with my best friend!
Now i'm just sitting around in Edmonton, waiting for saturday to roll around, cause I'm gonna be gone, travelin around the world on yet another grand adventure!!! The S-Diddy Trio will yet again be reunited to cause complete havoc down under...good times to come!
Hopefully i'll get on agian soon to update on the adventures, and to post some pics.
December 3, 2004
Well..a few things to say. First..our first offical day without the sun was Dec 1. we still have about 5 hours of 'visible' light..which means...very LONG dusk and dawns. Second, it was -57 with the wind..we're now averaging (without wind) -35 or so..lower alot of the time. Third, i'm offically done work. I'm glad to be out of there, but at the same time, a little sad. But i'm sure i'll keep myself really busy with all the other things i have to do. I'm thinking I might sub at the school when i can. It's good money, but very stressful. But hey...I wanna be a teacher right. haha
Anyway, that's it for now! Christmas is comin up, and Jen is almost here!! I can't WAIT!
November 29, 2004
Well..two things to report. First..DAMN it's super cold outside today. It's -42, and then with the windchill on top of that, it's -57. I almost got frostbite walking to work (a 5 minute walk...good thing i bundle up well). Second, my last day of work at Wildlife Services is tomorrow. Am i sad? Yes and No. There have been many good times, and some not so great, but lately it's just been BORING! So, i'm not sad to be out of this lame place of employment, even though the $$ was definately worth it. Oh well..thems the breaks.
My weekend of possiblities sure was just that. Only the possibilities were not what I had hoped for. The beer dance on saturday sure opened my eyes to the world of jackasses. I won't lie and say i wasn't hurt by the actions of a certain ass, but i also won't lie to say I am not a little indifferent. It's a very complicated messed up situation. Oh well, again, I'll get over it, and things will be back to normal.
November 24, 2004
Spent the day working on the site. No more complaints about the frequency of updates.
Other then that, things are good. Work is closing up soon, and i'm trying to decide what to do next. I actually have a few options. Whatever I choose, i know i'll be a happier person, because i have choice! YAY.
November 22, 2004
Sports SUCK! I only say this because i'm bitter. First, the Saskatchewan Rough Riders bite the bucket in overtime, and fail to make it to the Grey Cup, and then, still rooting for western Canada, the BC Lions (Bears) totally blow it. Wasn't even a close game...very dissappointing.
Poopface arrives on the 16th...I'm almost counting the days.
As far as the sun update...we only have 3 hours left of sunlight. We are almost submerged in complete darkness...i'm estimating that by December 11, we'll have no more sun at Adje will be able to say he's gone a whole week without the sun. Hopefully he won't suffer for it. I knwo that after i came back after being in the dark for a long time, the sun caused me to have a three day headache. I'll hope for the best. The weather..same ol'...freezing our arses off.
November 15, 2004
Not much has changed over the past two weeks. I mostly have just been bored out of my mind, and i've come to the conclusion the boys are dumb, lying jerks. If i had a truely evil bone in my body, there'd be some serious injury cast upon the opposite sex, not just for me, but for everyone out there who suffers from this terrible curse.
Today marks a sad day for work, I actually brought Archie Comics to try and absorb some of my time..the only problem will be hiding them from the boss (seems to be the only challenge i can find).
We're expecting another whopper of a blizzard tonight..i'm hoping that it'll last until tomorrow so that we can again have a day off work. We've accumulated a crap load of snow over the past few days...and we're expecting winds up to 70km/h...together..a whiteout to least that's what i'm hoping for...but the more i want it..the less it'll be reality..i'm jinxed.
Todays conclusion: The only thing we can count on is good friends, great family...and even better food.
November 1, 2004
Well, Halloween was a BUST! Halloween was offically postponed until later tonight due to a blizzard that engulfed our community for the entire weekend. We were well below -40 at many parts of the weekend, to say the least, I didn't go outside without skipants, winter boots, two pairs of mitts, a scarf, hat, two hoods and the will to live. :P We had about 7 kids come to the door, but hopefully tonight will be a little more festive.
You may have guessed it, but my mom didn't get into town know...blizzards and airplanes just don't mix too well. So she'll be coming in today. I didn't get to make her the cake that i wanted to, however I did get to make her a cake, and her friends will be coming over this evening to eat it. It's good, i've been sampling corners and what not :P
Dad leaves today, for another foreverness. I love having him around, the house seems a little less hectac.
October 29, 2004

Again, I let another month go by without updating with new and exciting tidbits. Mostly because there has been nothing to update on.
The weather is definately colder. Yesterday I officially traded in my southern winter jacket for my big goose down parka..i'm now the big red thing walking down the street, at least now i match everyone else. As well, the sun is now only up for about 7 hours a day, it's up after we get to work and down before i go home...soon enough it'll be gone forever...okay..not forever...but for entire days on end..but it's makes me feel like it's christmas. I already get the christmas bug when i get up and it's dark..i LOVE christmas. I"m TOTALLY hyped for christmas. I guess that's probably why i have two pages dedicated to it, and well..xmascarol...haha..
Boys are on the brain, and probably that's the only place, however the next few days will tell if the boy train takes off empty handed or with passenger(s)..haha.
Beer dance coming up next weekend!! Woohoo!
Halloween, as if I wasn't going to mention it! First, it's my mom's birthday, and I"m planning a WICKED cake..okay..not so wicked, but it'll be the first cake that i've decorated in quite some time, so I"m pretty excited about it..YAY. I"m going for this whole giant tortoise theme, since they're the longest living animal on the planet. Hopefully it all works out to plan. Too bad it'll only be adje, mom and I around to celebrate, i'll have to get some of her friends to come over for coffee in the afternoon to celebrate. :D Adje and I were thinking of dressing up, just cause, there's nothing special to do in town (no beer dance..sucky)
Anyway, there's the month, and some upcoming events. I'll keep ya posted.


September 30, 2004
I guess it's been awhile. I have been working on the site a bit..and you'll see a few new pictures..the internet has been acting up for me when i actually get on so things haven't been as smooth as planned.
Updates, birthday was good. Jen and Renee both are in Edmonton, Renee will be moving down to Calgary for a little while. Adje made it up here fine. He's workin hard, been promoted. I just started that's three jobs for me.
Been workin on making my life a little more well rounded though, i got friends, family, work..and now boys!! now..if we can just get rid of the work part and have a little more of the others, i'd be set! Almost forgot how much fun it all was!
Adje's been to TWO beer dances!!! It's so awesome to have a great dancing partner! I think the town is a little suspicious of us...adje often does the hands down, ass up move. But this is the way that i ended up with my current guy. Not Adje's ass up, but by being admirered..for once my dancing doesn't scare a guy away!!! Although, he's not a dancer, so had to take breaks so i could talk to him..something about his eyes. Anyway..before i go into a big drooly talk about him i'll move on to other topics.
We have already have snow, perminately. We've had it for a good week or two now. Feels GREAT!..but now we're getting into the colder side of things...soon my down south winter coat will have to be put away and i'll have to take out the big guns (SnowGoose Down Parka). I already fell down and bruised my elbow pretty bad...word of advice..don't take leaning on your elbow for granted..someday it'll be taken away!!
hopefully it'll be sooner for the next one!
August 16, 2004
The first sighting of SNOW!! Not only we were having winds up to 80 km/h...that'll knock ya off your feet :P.  Yuppers..a little bit early this year, but none the less..expected. Don't be scared'll be O.K.
On a brighter going well, my family is great..and I finally moved in. I've been housesitting all summer.
On an EVEN brighter note, Adrian is coming up to live with me for a few's gonna RAWK!!! He's getting here the 22nd..and i'm SUPER hyped! I finally get to share my dismal world with's gonna be great...hey prepared to be trailer trash that is :P
July 29, 2004
Whoa, it's only been a few days, and now the sun is down for 3 hours, this just means winter is coming once again, and we've only been up to 20 twice! eep :|
I started work at the meat plant on the weekend, and on the second day, i reorganized the freezer, which involved moving 16,000 lbs of fish...all by myself!! Buff Carol returns :P
Other then that, things are going well. At my other job, i'm doing oil tank inspections, man, they go a lot slower then you might imagine...averaging about 11 and hour. I have to do the WHOLE town! eep again! :|
July 23, 2004
Just wanted to say..we officially have a sunset and sunrise now...the sun sets at 12:44am and rises again at it's not much..but we no longer have 24 hour it's just 24 hour daylight...haha...
Hope all is going well. I start working at the meat plant this weekend. My new perfume will be "eau de possion". Good stuff :P...going to a jello shooter birthday party this weekend. Some girl that my sisters know. Sounds like it'll be fun!!
July 13, 2004
Hey out there!
I've been home now for a little over 2 weeks. The world up here is almost exactly like i left it...cold and GREAT! Poopface, myself and a few friends went camping. Friday was Nunavut day, and we all got the day off. So we headed out that night and camped til sunday afternoon. The weather was great at points, and the opposite at others.
Renee celebrated her 26th birthday on saturday, so we had a big cabin party which ended with the last night of campfires and sleeping in a tent. It was a blast!!!!
I met Susan's boyfriend yesterday. He's awesome. I took him out to see Long Point (the beach) and then out to Mt. Pelly (opposite sides of the town), but we had a great time, and saw some muskox. I'll be posting the pics in here eventually, evenings are not ment to be on the computer so much up here...gotta keep busy busy busy!
Work is going well..starting my second week. I've already finished alot of my tasks, so i'm not sure what else my boss is gonna find for me to do, but i seem to be able to find things myself...i like to organize and make things look nicer around the office. A strange concept for those who know me strictly from school, but in reality (away from school) I'm actually quite organized and neat...just at school i could care less!
Not sure if some of you have heard, but Adrian hopefully will be joining me here in my humble cold abode from sept to dec. I'm currently trying to get that organized, but time will tell. However, I"m very hyped, and I"ve told just about everyone i know!
Not sure what else i should say right now. I'm off to participate in some workshops Renee is holding down at the Visitors Centre. Should be a blast!
April 27, 2004

WHOA...that was quite the wait...I didn't really feel like sharing the month inbetween now and the last entry because I was in a state of crapiness, waiting to find out if i graduate....waiting for marks is HARD. But the polls are in and....
I can't believe it still..i had myself worked up about it...and I still agree with doing so...but man..I feel GREAT...Now I have a day to be alone and I can't exactly jump around...I'd love to stay on MSN to share the good news....but I have to get out and do something...just not sure what i'm gonna do.
The weight has been lifted...this is the true BIG BANG....the release of all that stress and feels GREAT!
I'm sad that I missed out on the big gathering in TO last night...especially over something I did pass..but the possibility was there..and I couldn't have done anything if the reverse had happened..and I was stuck in TO. So...decisions were regrets....but a little sadness. Oh well..I'll see everyone in due time.
The one thing i have to say stressful as aiming high and expecting low feel great in the end!!!
Hug to everyone out there who supported me throughout this entire journey..your assistance has truely been inspirational!
March 31, 2004
I sit here thinking to myself...
And i wonder what that truely means? What would be so horrible about failing the year and being here another year?? Except my own happiness. Not that being here would make me unhappy. I am in the process of proving things to myself. I am trying to tell myself that I am not what others have always thought i was...dumb. I am NOT dumb, and I KNOW this...I'm not looking for reassurance on this topic...i KNOW that I am not...but I want to prove to THEM that they were WRONG!!! All these hard times of mine were self inflicted...I wanted to do it on MY OWN! And I AM! And I've never been so proud of myself for that! I know that things may not be as bad as I think they are...but maybe they are..I'll prepare for the worse..seems like that plan has been working out for me so far. 
I"m very sad about what lies ahead of me. Moving away. I know many of you have expressed your feelings about this as well. I know that most of you wish I was staying here that i will never leave. I'm always asked.."why?" and the problem is I don't have a real good reason to stay, except them. And as much as they are a good reason...theres more reasons to leave. A friend of a friend is from BC, and she tells me her opinons on the same situation. She's made a new life here, new friends and such. For me, I know that my close friends will always be my friends. I've left friends from the past...and we're still friends. I've never made a decision based on friends...if I had I would be going to University of Saskatoon or Alberta..places my friends went. I guess at heart..I know whats best for me, and I"m not willing to be side tracked. If I had things my way...everyone would come WITH me, but I know that we all came here knowing what we wanted in the end. Some grew up in Toronto, and will never leave, others are wandering spirits, who probably won't wander out west, and I understand that. "what's out there that's not here?" is another common question. life is waiting for me out there. That's where I've always wanted to be. That's where I've ALWAYS wanted to raise my children. I know i've always bad mouthed Ontario..and the truth is..i really don't have much against's just not were my vision is. I"m sure most of you understaned that.
In 17 days, I'll be done school here..i hope. But that doesn't mean that I'm leaving right away! NO WAY..I would NEVER do that to YOU or ME! I need my time to see everyone!
I just want to take the chance to say Thank You to EVERYONE I've ever met during my time here at Waterloo. From the very first person i ever met...Steve Tsai, Dave Garrad Or Mike Sun (can't remember) to the very last! Everyone has helped me to be who i am. that's right...I wouldn't be me without any of you! Actually..that extendes to anyone i've ever met.
Wow..this rant on school really turned into something else.
Good Luck to EVERYONE in school right now. Good luck to those that are working/saving. Good luck to ME! :P
March 18, 2004
Well, i've been doing better with the work..slowly..working on being more strict on myself. However, my study breaks have been effective in getting more done with the i've got some pics up for Cuba as well as a new Linx page...still have some work to do on be patient and enjoy whats there for now..
As for my thought of the day...Sometimes when you will something away long enough it goes seriously, there was something that i didn't want to face for a long time...just didn't want to know...but I faced it..and found's not what i thought. Sometimes we build things up in our minds to a point where we refuse that they are different. I've definately learned that i should be more direct in these situations..and regardless of the outcome..i can deal with reality, and not with fiction.
Hope someones psyched about the weekend...just two days with no class..but the same crap!
March 15, 2004
Wow..this weekend has been interesting. Started the weekend off with a whole bunch of studying and lab reports (friday) and then continued with shopping, movie, comedy, bar, brunch and slacking. To sum it up, I was academically unproductive, but socially so. I think i've made up for alot, so i'll be good for a long stretch of school work! 
33 days until the end. The days are quickly shrinking..and the 'catch up' is not working according to plan. Looks like extreme measures will have to be taken, I will now return to "library Carol", its that or fail.
Hope all is well in the worlds of others, currently mine is spinning out of control!
March 10, 2004
HOLY SMOKES! Can you believe i haven't written on this page for 2 years...that might be why no one looks at this site anymore...but i've recently gotten new inspiration to try and be a little more up to date on hopefully i'll actually do it this time.
School, as always, bites butts! But i'm almost done, and although i feel the pressure raining down, i just look ahead to the clearer days, and hope i can get there faster!
I just got back from Cuba, and soon i'll have a large collection of pictures to choose from, and I'll definately be putting up a page in here about it soon...maybe a bit later...who knows.
Enjoy! CD
PS. If you haven't noticed, i've rearranged this page so that it is more reader friendly..but i'm sure you haven't.
March 12, 2002
Well..I'm happy to say that I update this website OFTEN! hehe. Well..what can I say, school has been interesting, but good. I've actually enjoyed most of the term, lets just see how well the last month goes, it's always the worse one! Just gotta remember, only 2 more years left! YES!
Anyway, wait around and there should be an update after the term, don't expect too much until then. I"ll let you know how I did!
January 24/2002

It's a new year, and a new start. After my refreshing 4 months in Nunavut, I'm all preped up for a new and exciting term here in Waterloo. Seeing my family was awesome..and as you can see..I got some awesome photos. As soon as Poopface gets off her lazy butt I'll have some new ones to put up..I took a bunch of photos of other crafts that I did..but never had a chance to put them on the site...and there are a bunch of others that never made it either! So..she's suppose to burn them and send them on a disk! was awesome to see all my 'loo friends..and i"m looking forward to the next 4 months with them! :)

December 20th, 2001

Wow..time has gone by SO fast! I can't beleve I'm leaving in two weeks...that really bites..and I haven't even started my work i'm in trouble! As ALWAYS!
It's the christmas season and I'm having fun! YAY! I have my own place right now..I'm housesitting until the 28th..hopefully Susan will be coming up then too! The house will be full..but full of JOY!
Well...have a great holiday and enjoy your time before we go back to the drudge of school!

November 30, '01
Well, the end is nearing, and you would think that all this relaxing would make me feel..well..relaxed. But instead the big BAD work evaluations popped it ugly little head into my life again, and I feel like a total wreck! I just have to trust that I did a great job. But I'm worried about getting another "satisfactory" Man that would bite my butt!

Other than that, life is good. THe sun is gone, but Christmas is on its way and I already have a christmas present sitting here waiting to be opened (thanx TT)

Anyways, love ya all and hope things are going GREAT for you! 

November 17, 2001
Well, daylight is getting shorter and shorter. The sun rises at around 9 and then it's dark before 3 in the afternoon. The average temp is around -28 and -38 with the wind. Today it was EXTRA nice at -10, -17 with the wind :)
Subing for the phys.ed teacher and also some math classes. It's been great! All highschool so it's great. i'm respected and they listen, unlike the kids from hell (aka: grade 7) ;) 

Novemeber 3, 2001
WOW..I can't believe I haven't written in here for such a LONG time! I'm really sorry! But as always..nothing exciting happens in my life. It's getting colder. Halloween was a blast! Had fun scarying kids! We've had enough wind lately to have a big blizzard..but not enough loose snow! But today it's been snowing all day...hopefully the wind will pick up soon!
I took a course with my fellow teachers on "non-violent crisis intervention" so now I"m insured to put kids in restaints!!! WoooHOOO!!!!
That's about it! and cumcumbers is a really good addition to this website...(major sarcasm)

Sept 26 (WED)
Guess what...we had a miracle here! Only 2 days ago we had the worst weather since I've been back...really shitty and windy and freezing rain but today it was PLUS 8!!!!!!! did you hear that...I left the house today all bundled up in my winter coat and scarf..and left for lunch I was dying..I was WAY too hot...the weather today was exceptionally GREAT!

Sept 15

Well, there are a few things I forgot to mention, I now have my drivers license out those of you with cars!!!!!! :)

Well, work has been good, and I have finally updated the site. I have been trying to work out...but a regular schedule has yet to be determined :) Other than that...nothing really has been crappy!

Well..the weather has been really nice lately...the sun has been shining..and the wind has been pretty kind..

I started work on the 27th..along with most of you...and it has been really great..I have been working with two slower's blind and the other is just's been great..and I also have been substituting for the art and cooking teacher..which has been fun..kinda weird cause a few of them were in my class when I was in high school..but..what can ya do?? So far I've learned I have much more patience and I have an authoriative voice..and kids actually listen to what I say! It's great..maybe if things go smoothly over the next four months I may decide to be a teacher after all...who knows! Let's give it longer than a week!

Hope everyone is enjoying their new jobs and I expect there to be emails in my box about each and every one of "you guyes" new jobs and how things are going!

AUG 22 (WED)


Week Two (Aug 19)
It's my birthday tomorrow!!!! 20 on the 20th...
Anyways...last night was the "Beer Dance" was about what was expected...but not quite as OLD drunk guys were hitting on me...which I hear is a frequent occurance...but..meh! I had fun...danced with my friends(what little I have).
I'm sad that in a week everyone will be leaving..cause they all were here for the summer...and I"ll be left alone...oh well..I'll survive.
Hope you guys enjoy your last week before work starts for me on the same day! Sucky!

WEEK 1 (Aug 14)
Okay..I"m home now! And I've never been so happy and sad at the same time! I miss all of you out there! I have nowhere to put my it will be living out of a suitcase for a few least until I get a dresser in Renee's room!! :)
Enjoy your week!!!!'s some CRAZY shit!
My sister's and I and a few of Poopface's friends went out for lunch at one of the ONLY restaurants...Get cost us..... $93.50 for five of us to have a hamburger and a pop!!!!!!!!! Sounds like I'll be spending a shit load!

$15 for a shitty burger...and shitty fries...and 3 bucks for a Snapple Ice Tea! Now you know what I"m talking about!!!!!!!!

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