Carebear's Pictures

Adje's Arctic Adventures

He travelled hundreds of kilometres...
He braved the cold, the darkness and the barren lands...
Here are a few picutres of our time together.


Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada


First things first, Adje and I kickin back at a local cabin party!!


Heres a pic of the boys all standing around their fire, puny in comparison to their regular fires...just ask Adje.


Fishing out at Grenier Lake (Iqaluktuttiaq - Fair Fishing Place, which is what our community is named after) in Renee's secret spots.


Adje took this awesome photo of an inukshuk.


Solitude on the beaches of southern Victoria Island.


Late August/Early September, we attempted to go berry pickin, but they were still a little green. In the end, we didn't end up pickin any :(


Me at the river in the fall (september sometime). It's about -15 out, some pretty serious winds (and this was a nice day). Definately switched into my bigger parka shortly afterwards.


Renee and I hangin at the party.
We all had a great time!




The Arctic Ocean
What a great feeling it is to look out and see a vast world which is still not understood by the human species.


See, we have more then just rocks and lichens :D


The years supply of snow and water created these valleys, in the spring they are rivers, now they are empty. I love walking in the valleys, very peaceful.


A chance to dress up, go out, dance your butt off, and if willing, drink beer at $5 a can. Lucky for Adje, we've had more beer dances then normal this fall. I think he'll end up with 4 lucky nights on the town of CamBay.


More footprints.  The sad part is, a few minutes later, the prints were blown over.

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