Since this was the first time all of us had been in the same place at the same time for who knows how long, we figured it
would be a good time to take a family photo. Who knows when it will happen again! We all look a little tired, but it was a
long week! :D
Here's just us kids...weird how that just doens't quite sound right anymore. I feel sorry for my parents realizing how all
grown up we are. (I wasn't kidding when I said I was the tallest was I?)
Here's a pic of our tree for the season. We decided this year we were gonna keep it simple and use few ornaments. I felt the
need to point out ones that I had gotten as gifts. If I've gotten one from someone and I didn't point it out..i sencerely
appologize. :D
Here's a pic of our gingerbread house. My mother and I made it this year (as per usual). When the lights are on, it warms
up the gingerbread and makes the house smell yummy! :D
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