Carebear's Pictures
Christmas Time is the Best Time

How could anything else compare...not even warm weather and a refreshing dip in a lake can top the feeling of Christmas!!


Mmmm....Christmas Dinner!!


O...Chirstmas Tree! Heres a pic of this years Christmas tree...again..simple, and almost all homemade ornaments...see..i get it from someone.


Even the cats get presents...which they actually play with. A ball of yarn can make quite the mess apparently ( I wasn't around for the results). A little catnip goes a long way!


We played alot of charades during the holiday. Here I'm laughing at the fact that they can't guess "cripple"...not so easy to act out. :P


The good 'ol gingerbread house. I didn't help at all this time. I arrived home, and was done and beautiful as usual. Love the way it makes the house smell.


Is this cat not the laziest and oddest thing you ever saw! I miss him alot!


Here Renee is trying to act out "Silver and Gold"..i've never heard of this Christmas Carol before...but none the less..she's probably the only one who had soemthing to work with...pretend she's a goldsmith ;)

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